
Liam Mulvany DC

McTimoney Chiropractor

"A gentle way with back pain."

Liam qualified as a McTimoney Chiropractor in 1991. He now works from three centres around the midlands.

Liam chose the McTimoney technique after experiencing dramatic results from his own first chiropractic treatment.

" I can still remember how I felt after my first treatment back in the late 80's"

The Mctimoney technique works by correcting skeletal asymmetry, paying particular emphasis to the pelvis. Liam often explains "that the pelvis has a greater influence on the rest of the body than the rest of the body does the pelvis."

The low back is "goverened" by the level of the pelvis. Level pelvis equates to straight spine.A pelvic tilt causes the vertebrae in the low back to start to pull to one side putting massive stresses on the lumbar/ sacral junction. (low back). This is a possible cause of many low back problems. 


Initial consultation and treatment £70

Any follow appointments £45

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